Barbie’s Sheath Dress and Jacket

Make this great fitting sheath dress and jacket in matching fabrics, or in two different fabrics!

barbie's dress and jacket

The pattern will take four pages to pring:

dress bodice front and skirt

dress bodice back and facings

jacket front and back

jacket front and collar

Instructions for saving and printing jpg or pdf files are here.

Pdf file of Barbie’s Sheath Dress and Jacket

Instructions for Sewing Barbie’s Sheath Dress and Jacket


BODICE Sew darts in bodice front. Press towards center front:


Sew darts in bodice back. Press towards center back:


Sew shoulder seams. Sew back and neck facings together at center front as shown:


Press the seam open:


Attach facings to bodice. With right sides together, pin facing to bodice starting at the waist edge, up and around the square neckline, down to the other waist edge.
Stitch as you have pinned. Trim and clip the corners as shown:


Turn the facing to the under side and press:


ARMHOLE FACINGS Place the facings against each armhole, right sides together. Pin in place and stitch. Clip curves:


Join the side seams. Press open. Turn armhole facings to under side and press:


SKIRT Sew rows of gathering stitches between dots as shown:


Attach the bodice to the skirt. Open out the bodice back facings and with right sides together, pin the skirt to the bodice matching center front and center back lines. Pull the gathers up to fit pinning as you go. Stitch the waist seam:


Stitch the center back seam to the X (leave open above the X):


Blind stitch the facings in place. Turn up a hem and blind stitch in place:


Sew three snaps at the back for closure:

figure-12 figure-13


FRONTS Sew the center back seam and press open:


Sew the shoulder seams and press open. Make small clips around the back neck edge:


COLLAR Pin the collar around the edge and stitch. Clip curves and trim corners:


Turn the facing to the under side. Press and pin in place. Join underarm seams clipping curves. Press seam open. Turn the hem up and blind stitch in place:


Blind stitch the facings in place. Turn up sleeve hems and blind stitch:
